What’s with Redux, ReduxSauce, Thunk, and Sagas?

What is Redux?

A library to create and manage data objects (aka state objects) based on the flux pattern.


Are requests to a store to take an action.

{ type: ADD_TODO, text: ‘Build my first Redux app’}

Action Types

An enum of allowable action types.


Are handler functions for actions that apply the action payload.

myReducer = (state, action) => nextState


Is a library to make Redux more DRY. In doing so though, it makes the code less readable imo.

Thunk and Sagas

Calls to actions are synchronous. This means that action handlers cannot fetch data or have side effects. Thunk and Sagas solve this desire.

Reasons for: More powerful Redux can handle most of your biz logic
Reasons against: If not done carefully, you will end up with Redux spaghetti


Thunk is an extended reducer which can (1) return a promise, and (2) actions are allowed to be called from within the promise (aka side-effects). For example, you can have an action which first sets a loading field = true in the store, fetches data, then updates the store when done.


Sagas is like Thunk, but allows for action handling to be interrupted using generators

Further Reading

  • https://engineering.universe.com/what-is-redux-saga-c1252fc2f4d1

How to access object attributes based on a variable in Typescript

Typescript is obscurely particular with accessing attribute keys on objects that lack a generic signature. Adding generic signatures reduces type-safety though.

Here’s a Typescript-friendly way to verify an attribute exists in an object, and then access that attribute.

This post originally posted at https://blog.smartlogic.io/accessing-object-attributes-based-on-a-variable-in-typescript/